Very encouraging to hear about the touch screen! I'm actually glad (in a way). It pretty much settles the argument for getting Logic on my iMac.
Thanks for the links. I have been researching everything I could on Logic so those links may just be rehashing what I've already seen but I will check them out.
What you said about GarageBand is also encouraging should Logic prove too much of a learning curve too fast. Again, not afraid of Logic but it's good to know I can fall back on my copy of GarageBand if I get too frustrated. It does make sense that Garageband would be "thousands of times more powerful" than anything 10-15 years before and is nothing to sneeze at.

I'm really getting much more comfortable with GarageBand than I was two , three years ago. I hope I can use that experience as a springboard into Logic, though.
I really can't quantify my musical strengths and weaknesses really. I studied bass for a year and played drums (on my own mostly) for 15 but I feel I'm kinda of past the point of collaborating person to person since discovering the power of software instruments. (I know, kinda sad to share that with musicians). I really love the control over the entire process. I'm not new to MC (or Artist Collaborations before that). I've had three very rewarding collaborations with some great people from both here and at the now defunct AC forums. However, I only contributed lyrics on all three. It was a great experience and I learned a lot but the comparison between what I can get done person to person versus program to person is just no contest. I'm not into live performance at all so that is another huge reason I'm all on board with software music production. Just basically want to get an album on itunes and I'll be happy.

I think one of the members here calculated that only 1 out of every 20 ideas he submitted got picked up for a collaboration and that's a little tough to me. There's nothing like peer review and approval to filter out one's bad ideas and even, like you said, add something better, but it's not the same when you're dealing with concept albums, which is basically how I like to write. For what I'm trying to do, I've discovered it's impossible to get human players on board with a whole project and, personally, I don't have the musical resume to be asking that much of pro and semi-pro musicians. People are just too busy or don't want to invest too much of themselves in one place or on a project that isn't even their own and I don't blame them. I had many lyrics posted at here at MC and elsewhere before and pitched my lyrics and project concepts all around. It comes down to none to mixed results with people vs. full results with software minus a little realism (and, as you know, software instruments sound more real year after year). That's why the software route is such a great solution for me (and I think a lot of people) and one I'm happy to explore.
Haven't really checked in here in awhile but would love to hear you tunes sometime.