Johnny wrote the lyrics for John Lennons 70th birthday. He asked me if I could help with music. My first reaction was no, sorry.
. But then I tried it (for the first time!) and this song is the final result.
Thank you Johnny, your great lyrics gave me the inspiration. Neils strings add depth and colour and gave the whole song more atmosphere. Thank you Neil!
Jerry your drums are outstanding, thank you mate! A special thank goes to Bill (r4m) for his excellent guitar work. Bill your guitars built this song. What a wall of sound!
Argle was our mix master. Thank you Argle for all your great work!
Hey and not to forget Henry and Steffen. Thank you for your great support!
lyrics Johnny
guitars and Bass r4m
drums Jman
strings Neil
Mix Argle
music, acoustic guitar, vocals soulfrontier
Now I've come to that place in this life where I follow
where my heart wants to lead me
I've abandoned these sorrows
Now there's no more looking backward
I'm going forward
From my earliest days I was made to wear blinders
and they pointed my way
With their constant reminders
That we must keep looking backward
Don't look forward
In our ranks we'll go marching ever onward
Through the arch of heaven and ever onward
And I fell to my knees...from the strength of this vision
I believe in love
I believe in love
I believe in love.... above religion
Now I know you're not prepared an you're feeling uncertain,
I know, I too was scared
To see behind this curtain
But our future is going forward,
And never backward
Like me you're all confused, and your faith has been broken
And your heart is feeling bruised
Your spirit's been awoken
And together we'll go forward
But never backward
In our ranks we go on marching ever onward
Through the arch of heaven and ever onward
And I fell to my knees...from the strength of this vision
I believe in love
I believe in love
I believe in love above the dogmas of religion!
So now backwards we'll go forward
.... ever onward....ever onward....ever onward.....