Let's face it guys there's always been a clique or 6 going. I remember noticing that right away when I first joined. As Dave says basically hang in there and eventually you become part of it all. Be "One" with it as it were
I have had the good fortune of playing with a lot of the musicians on here, be it vocalists, guitarists, drummers etc (maybe not much with Dave
but then his bass parts tend to be great to begin with).
Sometimes a clique is created when a group of people kind of like each others musical tastes and playing styles. I know that I would never be the first choice as the bass player, but Im not upset about that, I just concentrate on getting my music out with the help of the very talented folk on here who like being on a collab with me.
On a lighter side, we cant help being "clique-y", we are so heavily dependent on "click" tracks
Hope? People come and people go. I have tried to get others here but collabing isn't for everyone. The few that do, enjoy it so much it becomes addicting. Not sure why we wouldn't get more players here. You can see how many people sign up but only a few stick to the walls. It's all good. We're having fun.
Maybe I can make some kind of YouTube promo. Get some folks that way.
The other problem is that I've had newbies PM me (I think they think I'm a moderator by my post#) and say they feel it's kind of clicky here. In others words everyone sticks to themselves and creates groups. Nature of the beast I guess. The trick is you have to weed yourself into the gang. It's not easy but many have the will to do it and look.... we still can't get rid of MrMom!!