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Billy · 22 · 22140

Offline Billy

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This is a composition I did a few years back that needed some lyrics. Johnny came up with a strange but compelling true story about a guy called Billy Bumgarden.

I'll let Johnny explain.....

...An acquaintance of mine, Dwight Carrel, has written a fascinating account of the events that preceded, "The Roswell Incident", and it's a great story for our age. I was privileged to obtain an advanced copy!

Alexandra, is a character from, Dwight's book...I know a small promotion is planned, and i will post any details as i learn them...Johnny

Thanks for listening.

Alexandra  (Billy's Song)

Lyrics - Johnny
Vocals and music production - Billy Playle

Ignorance is blissful, or so I always thought
Then you exposed me for the fool I am
Truth is like a missile that always hits its spot
And I became the ashes of an ordinary man

Alone I know happened upon that fateful night
Was it really me the who locked you in our world?
Stranger in a Strange Land...A shadow in the moonlight
How did you pretend to be an ordinary girl?

At that point in our saga, when you should have walked away
What on Earth, compelled you to stay...


Being made irrelevant, I was living like a ghost 
But that's the only way I would have found you
Up to those events, I was half-alive at most
Praying God would show me a profound truth

Looking in your tiny face, I saw the ancient eyes
Stumbling, my soul fell down a well
I could not erase what I had witnessed in the sky
Somewhere, in the distance, there's a tolling of a bell...

I may not be divine, but I can love you just the same
And smile to myself every time I say your name...

 Alone I know happened upon that fateful night
Was it really me the who locked you in our world?
Stranger in a Strange Land...A shadow in the moonlight
How did you pretend to be an ordinary girl?

At that point in our saga, when you should have walked away
What on Earth, compelled you to stay...

Offline Mr. Mom

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Awesome Billy and Johnny.

That's a heck of a good "Michael McDonald" vocal you got going Billy... EXCELLENT!! :) :)
Damn it Jim! I'm a WRITER - not a Doctor!!

Offline NickT

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Once again you outdid yourself Billy!

Cool lyric and your delivery is spot on.

Production is awesome!

Thanks for a great listen!


"...My life just Ain't TV..."

Offline PVD

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Wow, lyric, arrangement, great listen.


Offline cyclone

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Awesome Billy
A woman is on trial for beating her husband to death with his guitar collection.
The judge says "First offender?"
The woman says "No, first a Gibson, then a fender."

Offline Mimmo

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Great production and performance Billy!!!!
« Last Edit: July 07, 2011, 11:28:39 AM by Mimmo »
Love songs...and more

Offline stoman

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Nice song and lyric. Well done, guys!

Always looking for opportunities to mix your songs. Feel free to ask!
My Introductory Post

Offline soulfrontier

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amazing arranement and production! Beautiful song and vocals.
With Billy at your side nothing can go wrong!

Offline Errol

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Offline Johnny

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Hi folks,

Boy, do i ever suck at promotion!!! :-[

I wanted to help my friend sell his book, but i (m)ucked that one up...Casia, I envy your drive!

I'm doomed to die a poor artisan... :(

My friend, Dwight, is off on a photo junket of the Roswell Site and (more importantly) the surrounding area. No word from him. He wants lots of pictures for his web-site.
I can't wait to see them myself!

Together, we serve on the school board in our tiny community. He has often told me bits and pieces of this, beautiful, fascinating story...But, to read it... 8)

As i told Billy, "Even if you don't believe his text", it is simply a beautiful, amazing tale to imagine...

Willy Hardcastle, in 1945, was just another eager young man ready to serve his country. He became a proud, fighting U.S. Marine, and was ordered to the front lines in our war  against the Japanese Empire...
In 1946, Sergeant, Willy Hardcastle, (and many, more like him), would find themselves, being cut to shreds, and running for their lives on a "nowhere strip of Hell", called, "Iwo Jima"...
Before he ever fired a shot, there was a terrific flash of light. He remembered nothing after that till he awoke in a hospital in, San Diego, CA, and thought he must be in heaven...
Willy's face had been burned off, and on his chart was typed the new name, "Billy Bumgarden", Willy never said a word, and when he had sufficiently healed, he simply walked away from the facility as "Billy" and never looked back.
Willy was dead, and "Billy" was free! Roaming free was easy for a wounded service man in, 1946-47. His injuries were obvious and severe. Everyone turned their pitiful eye away, and their merciful hand toward that poor "Billy" fellow!
On that hot, July 4th, in 1947, Billy was slowly rambling southward, to his mother's home in, Clovis, NM. When an afternoon storm suddenly whipped up the mountain-side road he was walking, Billy sought shelter between some giant boulders, "where exhausted", he fell asleep...
He awoke, to see the stars above him turning black. Blacker than black, "like looking down a well", and his body unable to function till the enormous "black blimp" passed over him. Ahead of him, the thing seemed to stop and hover. A shaft of light appeared upon the blackness, and small men, wearing aviator helmets, poured out...
"Japs!" Billy's mind was racing...
He had never been able to figure out why God had spared his wretched life, while so many others died, but now it was clear..."The damn Japs were invading the country", using a new kind of secret blimp. He was spared, so he could be this moment in foil their plans, and sound the alarm!
Billy reached into his belongings and pulled out the 30.30. he had rescued from an abandoned cabin. He loaded the ammunition into the chamber...

I won't say any more, (prob'ly said too much), but it's a wonderful read and as soon as it's made available...I'll post it...

I apologise for not being around much...I write a little verse while i work and i mostly keep up with MCS by way of cell phone....Typing on that thing is an exercise in frustration! >:(

Thank you for listening,
Billy is a tremendous talent and i consider it a privilege and an honor...Cheers! :)

« Last Edit: July 13, 2011, 06:25:19 PM by Johnny »

Offline Billy

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It's a great story, Johnny and no more unbelievable than a carpenter from Nazareth who was born of a virgin  ::)

If Dwight ever finds himself in deepest Kent (England) then I would gladly treat him to a night out at one of my favourite watering holes where we could discuss the finer details of this truly amazing tale.

Thank you good people of MCS for listening and giving such positive comments.

Offline docmidnite

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OUTSTANDING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 8)
Love the slide guitars......... perfectly build in without having them sound blues or country!!!

Offline Johnny

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Holger you are sooo right... 8)

I was worried when i first listened to Billy's vocal because his register is very high...

Billy was an ex-marine. So, naturally, i was hearing a deeper tones in my mind...

When I first listened, (for impression), i immediately began to fret ;D

24 hrs later, i listened again with fresh ears...And, I have to say...

Billy's vocal on this piece is soooo good, i still get chills when i listen.

Offline r4m

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You are your signature Billy!! ;)

Offline mickbrit55

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Wow, that's a beautiful song you guys - great job! Reminded me of Huey Lewis and the News in places. Lyrics and vocal are top notch :)

Very funny Spok ... now beam down my trousers.
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