And a few more kudos, lads (from folks on another site I post to).
This is too cool and sophisticated for us rubes ...LOL. Nice work reminds me of the 80's..Jon ♫♪
That's some Big Music, Donna!
It opens up beautifully at the chorus, and I LOVE the vocalist.
The disco-tinged sound is a great bed for your lyrics - you ARE a girl who likes to have fun! The bass tears this UP = some pretty swell keys, too. but the overall professional sound of the whole package is what i notice. WELL DONE, TEAM! anne
This is classic late 70's early 80's sound. Wow, what a wall of sound. Production is out of this world. Nice write and just an excellent package. Deepest bows.. Russ
Holy Saturday Night Fever this is a FUNNTRACK. Ed
That's one hot team for this one, Donna. The production is awesome for your cleverly written lyrics. Takes you right there!! Sheila
Hot! Really nice performance to this descriptive and fun lyric. I agree with the "classic" comments. Very nice Donna! Rusty
Well, I give it 10's all around. Well produced, well sung, great lyrics. Ott
Discomatic Donna. Who would have thought. Good solid write and what stellar musicianship throughout. Good tune. Michael
This is very classy and makes me wannabe on a dance floor watching this chick strut her stuff.
The whole production is over the top and ought to be out in the big world making you rich. I love the lyrics. Annie
Brings me back in time...smoking!!!! rittmo'