Me likes better Clip B too...
Compressor on A is the Fairchild 670 and on B Waves LinMb Multi Band comp wich I use for ages. As for the bumping that Cary talks about, I hear it too in some spots and that's due to pushing too much treshold on the compressor.
This is a topic that always makes me wonder. In my neighberhood there's a professional Studio and I know the owner... This guy got all the good stuff including this Fairchild unit and a TL Audio yellow equalizer (I dont't recal the Model but I know is famous) all in hardware... And much more goddies.
I know what many people feels about the tubes stuff and I agree that they sound hot and gives a different colour to the sound still, compared to the abilities of new equipment, I prefer the new ones.
The only tubes equipment I prefer but obviously I don't use is the amps and pre-amps for guitarists.
This compressor from Waves is one of the best compressors I've ever seen and heard. There's no Vintage stuff on earth that I would change for it.
« Last Edit: April 14, 2010, 05:50:07 AM by Paulo »
Live the best you can 'cause you're gonna be dead for a long time.
Paulo Gomes