Musicians Collaboration Studio

Show Your Face (prog 'n roll) AndyG/AndyD/JohnC/Paulo/Donna/Sam

Donna · 40 · 28567

Offline AndyG6508

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I think we need that asteroid....

2 million years on this earth....and for what?

To live in fear and pain?

Offline Donna

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I'm with you 100%, Andy.

We've screwed things up here so badly one way or another. We don't deserve this - what was once - a gorgeous planet.
The earth goddess, Gaia, must be weeping oceans...
Honour the Earth. Without it, we'd be nowhere.

Offline AndyG6508

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I hear you Donna, though I am more concerned with the socio and political aspects.....and man's cruelty to fellow men and animals.

We never learn, do we, and history repeats itself.

I am equally fed out up with conservativeness (morphs into right wing) and ultra-liberalness (morphs into kookiness). Where is the balance? Where are the genuine leaders of men and women?

I know that fossil fuels need to be phased out, but in a responsible and logical way. We can't just turn off the tap tomorrow. In the meanwhile manage it so minimize emissions.

We have had celebrities like James Cameron, DI Caprio and Jane Fonda flying over the Canadian oilsands in their lush chartered planes or helicoptors (there are not solar powered are they??) and bashing  Canada for producing dirty oil.

And yet so called liberal provinces and countries buy oil from rogue nations from the middle east and Africa!!!

Quebec dumps their waste into the Saint Lawrence River but that doesn't prevent them from sniping at Alberta.

Just using Canada as an example :)

SO how does this all add up?

We need that asteroid!


I'm with you 100%, Andy.

We've screwed things up here so badly one way or another. We don't deserve this - what was once - a gorgeous planet.
The earth goddess, Gaia, must be weeping oceans...
« Last Edit: July 06, 2020, 05:43:25 PM by AndyG6508 »

Offline Donna

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Again, I'm with you, Andy.  :)  My comment - 'We've screwed things up here so badly one way or another' - was intended to cover everything you mention. The environment impact is of course just one segment of it. Sadly.
Honour the Earth. Without it, we'd be nowhere.

Offline AndyG6508

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Hi Donna,

Yes, of course :). It was good to get than rant off my chest, keeping in mind MCS normally steers clear of politics and stuff like that :)

Show Your Face :).

Again, I'm with you, Andy.  :)  My comment - 'We've screwed things up here so badly one way or another' - was intended to cover everything you mention. The environment impact is of course just one segment of it. Sadly.

Offline napoleonboot

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I am happy for these sentiments to be in song lyrics, but overall I visit MCS to make me happy not sad.
George can often be found playing stringy things, and singing...

Offline griffo

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well done people another quality song from very talented musicians the never ending creativity on this site blows me away keep on rockin my muso friends from around the globe cheers and respect from griffo.
without music life is.......?

Offline Donna

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Griffo and Stoney, thank you.  A pleasure to see this older piece getting a little attention once more.  :)
Honour the Earth. Without it, we'd be nowhere.

Offline Albino

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Griffo and Stoney, thank you.  A pleasure to see this older piece getting a little attention once more.  :)

I am loving this, I feel guilty that I missed this!


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