How about something about social interactions / behaviour in an online community for music creation, compared to the tradution prcess. Could branch out into team roles (e.g. Belbin), motivation (Maslow) etc. Maybe a bit too social science and not scientific enough.
Alternatively how about emerging business models for monetising music, such as peple giving albums away free, and getting most income from gigs. Maybe a bit too business and not scientific enough.
I did an MSc a bout a hundred years ago (actually 1988) at Ford Motor Company, on boring stuff to do with computer systems for car design. And then an MBA about 10 years ago, again on boring stuff to do with decision making. I envy you doing something interesting. I'll give it more thought.
« Last Edit: August 06, 2009, 04:11:35 AM by guitargeorge »
George can often be found playing stringy things, and singing...