"Do you really think my song is that dated? ....None of this is arguing - I'm just curious as you are the first person to take the time to make a comment. I appreciate it, but if I'm going to have any kind of shot at working in today's market, I need to know if I'm just too "old school". Thanks again and take care."Dude,.. no worries,...all personal opinions on here are just that,.."personal". I can't claim to know anymore than the next guy about what would be popular in todays market. The song that you posted to me sounds like something that was written when Tesla,..Mr Big,..or Slaughter were making tons of cash,.. that's all I'm really saying. I happened to really like those bands.
Also,.. hearing only one of your songs,.. doesn't neccessarily show the full spectrum of anyones creativity and I get the sense that you are not a one trick pony. Most of us on here do this for our own enjoyment and alot of times the results really shine,.. whether the song would appeal to masses or not.
BTW,..it doesn't sound egotistical at all to say that you wrote and recorded everything yourself. Lots of people on here work that way. It's really cool.
Comments on here sometimes sift in really slowly,... all of this happens in everyones spare time. Sometimes when we post songs,.. it feels like forever till someone notices,...or cares,..then ya wake up one morning and 10 people from the UK have made comments or posted auditions
I look forward to working with ya in the future. Dive in!