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Hopelessly Hot (For You)/Tricias' Tricycle

canuk62 · 75 · 34739

Offline canuk62

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Thanks Jay, Mark and Andy (Andy is one of Tricias' Tricycle original groupies so we knew he'd like it at least! ;D), it Marc

Yeah, I guess Im a big fan, I'd even carry that tricycle from show to show, just to hang around with the band  ;D


Ps- when are you releasing "Johnny Was A Girl"?

 ;D ;D ;D ;D I like code names on stuff, that way when I post it up Tricia knows she has another one to do! ;D ;D ;D
Complete rearrangements on both tunes Andy, now that I think I've found the sweet spot in Tricia's vocal range, going to work those out awhile though. :)

Offline CosmicDolphin

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ooooh..I guess I have a sweet spot.  :) ;D

I had one but I filled it with Bacon Cheesburgers  ::)
We never finish a mix... we simply abandon them.
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Great songs are not written, they are re-witten

Offline canuk62

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ooooh..I guess I have a sweet spot.  :) ;D

I had one but I filled it with Bacon Cheesburgers  ::)

 ;D ;D ;D ;D Don't tell me you guys stopped eating fish & chips wrapped in newspaper! Tisk!Tisk!

Offline CosmicDolphin

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ooooh..I guess I have a sweet spot.  :) ;D

I had one but I filled it with Bacon Cheesburgers  ::)

 ;D ;D ;D ;D Don't tell me you guys stopped eating fish & chips wrapped in newspaper! Tisk!Tisk!

They banned wrapping it in newspaper many years ago for health & safety reasons :(  never tasted the same since
We never finish a mix... we simply abandon them.
You can't polish a turd, but you can always spray paint it GOLD
Great songs are not written, they are re-witten

Offline Casia - lyricist

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Nothing like a bit of newsprint to get those tastebuds wishin' for more....yummy!
Casia Productions:
ALBUM:A NOT Ordinary Christmas-2010
ALBUM:idream -2011
ALBUM:Trevor&Roger's 13 Stygian Tales - 2011

World Festival Universong showcase July 2012, Canary Islands, Spain - Victoria Linskaya

Offline canuk62

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ooooh..I guess I have a sweet spot.  :) ;D

I had one but I filled it with Bacon Cheesburgers  ::)

 ;D ;D ;D ;D Don't tell me you guys stopped eating fish & chips wrapped in newspaper! Tisk!Tisk!

They banned wrapping it in newspaper many years ago for health & safety reasons :(  never tasted the same since

With all the contaminents/toxins/mercury in the fish stocks that haven't been wiped-out yet, think some ink is the least of their concerns (and the lard that they're fried in...I've repaired so many fryers I even look at fried food and my stomach churns) ;D ;D ;D ;D

Offline CosmicDolphin

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Haha , yeah...they actually made some proper paper with ' fake ' newspaper print on it...don't tend to see it around these part though...they usually use healthier oils to fry in these days, but if you go to some of the seaside towns up North they still cook in beef dripping, which tastes fantastic....but probably gives you a heart attack.

We never finish a mix... we simply abandon them.
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Offline canuk62

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Haha , yeah...they actually made some proper paper with ' fake ' newspaper print on it...don't tend to see it around these part though...they usually use healthier oils to fry in these days, but if you go to some of the seaside towns up North they still cook in beef dripping, which tastes fantastic....but probably gives you a heart attack.


Oh, thanks for the wavs Mark,,,I'll let the others know where to snag them. ;D
You know here in Ottawa, these morons are trying to pass a law prohibiting polyunstarurated fats in restaurants....the roads are falling to pieces,the transit system when not on strike is falling to pieces, there's traces of radioactive contamination in our drinking water (the solid waste which we export to the US is being turned away to the radioactive content..the nuclear isotope facility is upriver of where we take our drinking water...brilliant)and they're concerned with this as they'll have to hire hundreds more inspectors to test what these ethnic cooks are preparing (the rats and cockroaches running all over are OK though)..insanity! ;D ;D

Offline CosmicDolphin

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We never finish a mix... we simply abandon them.
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Great songs are not written, they are re-witten

Offline canuk62

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2 things to look at when eating at a restaurant: 1. Is it family owned? Does the mother work in the kitchen? Actually, CERTAIN franchised restaurants are clean, but some are terrible, so don't get fooled at this factor.

2. Generally (not to stereotype...people are clean/filthy in every culture ::)) but different cultures have (generally) different standards and traditions. As a rule, French,German, Swiss, Austrian restaurants (chefs) are the cleanest and most demanding with standards, and it goes down the scale from there. The absolute bottom of the scale in hygene and cleanlisness are the south asian restaurants, and many Chinese and Viatnamese...although we love the food and eat in them anyway ;D. If you walk in the staff bathroom, and there's no toilet paper or soap, it's a pretty good clue you don't want to take your family there to eat. The "eclusivity" (price) doesn't mean anything..sometimes the cheapest mom and pop diners (run by the wife) are the cleanest...don't be fooled by the price, or the dining room. I've worked in exclusive hi-end Chinese places where, in the basement, the rice is left in big open bags on the floor, with rat poison and dead rats/mice strewn about...I saw the little old grandmother walking up to the bag of rice, kicking a dead rat out of the way and scooping up some rice in the open bag of rice (where they feed from).Then I went to crawl under the dishwasher upstairs to check for a repair, and realized the whole floor was moving (thought it was rice! ;D) When the inspectors show up, the owner is waiting with his wallet, gets paid and leaves(pretty good job! ;D). So where are you eating tonight? ;D ;D ;D ;D

Offline CosmicDolphin

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This is why my wife won't eat out  ::)

Her friends husband installs marble work surfaces and has been disgusted by the state of the kitchens in some local restarants he's installed them into.

Then she watches Gordon Ramsays Kitchen Knightmares.....I think she has a phobia about it.

We never finish a mix... we simply abandon them.
You can't polish a turd, but you can always spray paint it GOLD
Great songs are not written, they are re-witten

Offline canuk62

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This is why my wife won't eat out  ::)

Her friends husband installs marble work surfaces and has been disgusted by the state of the kitchens in some local restarants he's installed them into.

Then she watches Gordon Ramsays Kitchen Knightmares.....I think she has a phobia about it.


Saw the UK (bbc) show kitchens from hell, or something like that (in London)...I wouldn't eat there either! ;D ;D (besides, look on the bright side..she's a cheap date! ;D ;D ;D)

Here's a slight variation of your mix Mark, mastered a little hotter/brighter..see what it sounds like on your cans :)
« Last Edit: February 13, 2009, 12:25:59 AM by canuk62 »

Offline CosmicDolphin

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Sounds good on the cans  ;)

Trouble is everyone has equalisers on their ipods and stereos  ;D

We never finish a mix... we simply abandon them.
You can't polish a turd, but you can always spray paint it GOLD
Great songs are not written, they are re-witten

Offline canuk62

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Sounds good on the cans  ;)

Trouble is everyone has equalisers on their ipods and stereos  ;D


Yeah, good point...more or less just want it to sound comparable (whatever that is) to the other mp3 songs on those sites from others (volume, eq), although at this point have to begin a myspace page for these tunes, as only band webisite links are accepted where I want to send it to for evaluation. Probably do a few more and send you the links to free the room here :)


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