Musicians Collaboration Studio

I'm Letting Go Now (light jazz vocal)


Offline Appleluza

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This is a song I wrote last year after practicing the guitar and forcing myself to learn some new guitar chords.  I wish I had continued the guitar practice, but it kind of died a quiet death of neglect.  However, I did end up with a song that I was happy with, especially the musical aspects of it.

I would very much like to thank all of the musicians who collaborated on this - a very talented cadre indeed.

I'm Letting Go Now
words and music - Robert N Talbert, 2007

Song Credits

Drums - Jwoo10
Bass - BassPlayer
Vibes, B3, Whurlitzer - Jaaman
Electric Keys - LindyM
Lead Guitar - GuitarGeorge
Gut String Guitar - Rob Talbert (Appleluza)
Vocal - Deb Thomas

Engineering, Mixing, Mastering - CosmicDolphin


Who was I fooling with that bluster and bluff?
A one-act drama starring me talking tough.
Always the underdog, behind in the race,
I was saving face

But I'm in a new place. And I thought you should
That I'm letting go now.
I'm just letting go.

Just like a kid with a balloon on a string
Holding so tightly, it's the natural thing.
The day goes windy, then the morning turns grey,
And it gets away.

But it's a new day.
And I thought you should know
That I'm letting go now.
I'm just letting go.

One finger at a time,
Feel it starting to slip.
I'm letting go the line,
And relaxing my grip.

Never much of an original mind,
I had simple plan and followed it blind.
I was meant for something that was not meant to be
That's my guilty plea.

But it's a new me.
And I thought you should know
I'm letting go now.
I'm just letting go.

I'm letting go now,
I'm just letting go.

Rob Talbert, Songwriter and Producer for Appleluza, a virtual multi-genre band.

Offline Black Stratman

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Sounds good to me, . I love the vocals   :)
Great song, one to be proud of for sure, well done everyone.  8)


Offline Studioplayer

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Beautiful song Robert. Watched this one on the boards. A lot of working getting it to a finished point but man it sure turned out nice. Time well spent. The mix sounds really top notch. Fantastic work from all the players and that voice is wonderful.

Great stuff guys !!  8)


Offline NickT

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Offline CosmicDolphin

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Nice one Rob

I like the imagery of the lyrics in this one, very well written and a nice voice.  Everyone played well.

I thought it was gonna be so easy to mix with not many tracks, hmmm wrong again !  I think it turned out real classy though.

Thanks for letting me mix it.

We never finish a mix... we simply abandon them.
You can't polish a turd, but you can always spray paint it GOLD
Great songs are not written, they are re-witten

Offline Appleluza

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Thanks for the feedback, everyone.  This was a song I thought would be easy to knock out, but took more than a year with a few start-overs along the way. (Ithink Jwoo10 tracked his part three different times and several others had to repeat at least twice.)  I think the extra work paid off in the end. I appreciate everyone's patience and willingness to hang in there for the long haul.

Great playing and mixing all!


Rob Talbert, Songwriter and Producer for Appleluza, a virtual multi-genre band.

Offline LindyM

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This was my first collab effort after joining this site.  I suppose I came along relatively late in the process, since I only started on this in January.  Three or four months, to me, is better than a year!   ;)

Still, I'm happy for the way it turned out.  Congrats to all.

Lindy Mack
Keyboards, Sax, Violin, Vocals, Mixing


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