I am entirely pleased with how this song came out. Its a very personal song for myself. I know its one of those depressing yet touching ones, but I wanted to have something to give to my family when my Time comes to be able to continue comforting them in some way. I am so thankful to all who contributed, listened, commented, and so on. You all rock.
Its My Time
Credits and Thanks to:
Ali Kat: vocals/lyrics/chord arrangement
Aidan: Music/keys/strings
Jwoo: Drums
Jeff: Bass
Brina: background vocals
CosmicDolphin: Mixing/Mastering/putting up with me! lol
Its My Time
Ali Kat 2008
Oh Sweet baby of mine
Please, don't cry so hard
Oh, pretty angel child
Please know I'm in your heart
We can't change destiny
I must be moving on from here
But, when you think of me
Please know that I am near.
I see a light
A peaceful feeling I feel
Its a beautiful place here baby
Heaven is real
I'll be alright
You'll be okay
I know we'll reunite someday
So please take care
And don't forget
You made my life a better place
Don't cry, Don't cry, Don't cry~
Everything will be alright I swear
Wipe away those teary eyes
And know that I am
By your side always
Oh~ Sweet baby of mine
Please understand
Oh~ Its my Time
Oh sweet baby of mine
Don't you cry
Oh sweet angel child
Dry your eyes