Thanks Cary, as for the lead vocal, the main thing I did different was use Nick's advice and cut the eq at 5k some, taking the edge off it some.
I will try to explain what things I did with the drums, but it is kinda hard to not be technical. I use mainly the plug-in's that come with Adobe Audition, and alot of waves plugs. I use alot of presets, then I tweek with them until I think it sounds good. I will try to explain what plugs I used, and some of the settings I have them on....
The snare...I use a waves compression plug called RComp. Setting I used with it are, Attack 50ms, Release 50.2ms Ratio 20.05
Eq...+18 at 50hz, +18 at 100hz, +6.65 at 200hz
Reverb...I use a unit called Anwidasoft LIV. Settings are at 29 Predelay, 1100 Decay, and a LP cut at 16000, with a Dry mix at 35%
Audition has a setting called Pan/Expand, it is used mainly for vocals, but I use it on alot of things, hardly ever on vocals, except for backing vocals, I have it set on 240, where 100 is centered.
The kick...On the kick I used the same exact settings as the snare, but I ran all the effects with 100% dry out mix, so like I say, the same settings, but alot more of the dry mixed in. By moving alot of the kick hits around, I was trying to make it gel with the bass, and I think that helped to bring out both the kick and the bass guitar. I made it so they followed each other, which made them feed off each other rather then fight against each other.
The Toms got the same effects also, and like the kick, I mixed in 100% dry out with them. I panned them both +10 and -10 in the mix, then I used some volume envelopes on a few of them to tame them down a bit.
The closed hats...I just used the same reverb unit, and mixed them at 30% with decay of 400, and a LP cut at 16000
The maracas....I used a waves plug called 6 Taps. What that does is pretty much spread it out in 6 parts, but I only used 3 parts of it, one centered, and the other 2 spread out + and - 45, with a small amount of delay on each. I then used the same reverb unit with 400 decay, LP cut at 2500, and a 50% dry mix.
The high agogo....I used an adobe compression plug. It is set with an output gain of 12db, Attack time of 30ms, release time of 15ms. It has a high cutoff at 24000hz. I then used the pan/expand plug at 240 where 100 is centered.
The crashes...First I split the crashes up, making a left crash and a right crash. I put a bit of reverb and echo on both, a little high end boost on both of them, and panned them -10 and +10. On the right crashes I added the pan/expand plug, to make the right crashes sound a bit fuller then the left, making them sound a bit different.
Those are the only drums and percussion tracks I used. I could have used more, but they sounded pretty good to me with just those, so I left well enough alone