Darn it, I wasn't gonna do this at all. I got about as much(or little) time as anyone here.... But, I was getting frustrated with a mix of my own, so like Pete mentioned, once I started, I couldn't stop.
. This is kind of a feeler mix, I spent alot of time on it, but it is nowhere near complete. First off, I haven't listened to it in anything but the phones yet. Problems I know are there include some more panning needed, and I need to do some volume envelopes on a few things.
What I did do in this mix was I tried to keep it simple. I left out alot of parts, I felt too much was mudding it up too much. I decided to start with a simple acoustic and vocal only, then kicked the rest of the band in after the first chorus. I also did alot of cutting and pasting on the kick drum. I felt it needed to follow the bass alot more, especially since it is such a good bass line. I found it alot easier to hear the kick and the bass both if they followed each other more. I also extended the drums out to the end of the song. Some eq here and compression here and there, and alot of cleaning of the vocals was done also.
So as it sits, I used the acoustic guitar, and spread it out and used a 6 taps waves plug on it. I then doubled the electric rythm and panned them left and right about 50 or so to each side. I didn't do much at all with the bass, just plugged it in and pressed play. I added some junk to the drums, not alot, because there is quite a bit on them already. Mostly just compression and EQ, and some verb. I did use a bit of auto tune on the vocal, but never went through it all yet. Mostly I spent time cleaning up some of the excessive breating on the vocals
. Ray needs to quit smoking so much
. I used a desseer on the lead vocal. I used a 2:1 compression at -25 db. Then I used another waves plug that is like a vocal exciter. If you have waves, it is in the audio track pulg and the setting called vocal with presence. I then added a bit of verb on it to polish it up some.
Like I say, I don't know how good it sounds really, but it rocks in my headphones, which means absolutley nothing to me, because most everything does
. I will revisit the mix at another time, after I finish up some of my own things. Just figured I did all this work with this, I would post it to get things rolling.
Ok, now I gotta get some sleep.....