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Another Summer Come and Gone V.2


Offline Mr. Mom

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This is version 2, by Tim Conway - a totally different vibe than version 1, but I like them both.

Another Summer Come and Gone
©2017 Tim Conway/John Scunziano

Another summer come and gone
And less than thirty I recall
Just like the bridge in every song
As summer changes in to Fall...

I've come to learn the bitter truth
I'm not the boy I used to be
The days passed slowly in my youth
And now they're faded memories...

Summer days are just as long
But now I work 5 days a week
July and August - here and gone
And I just barely soaked my feet...

The last day of school, the shoes came off
And every summer, stubbed my toes
My money came from mowing lawns
And not a CENT was spent on clothes...

Now all I earn just pays the bills
I work to keep the things I own
The summer sunsets give me thrills
And come September, chill my bones...

Summer days are just as long
As summer days when I was young
Another singer sings his song
Another summer come and gone...
Damn it Jim! I'm a WRITER - not a Doctor!!

Offline Ender

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Wildly different version. Like completely. This is very pretty, atmospheric background with long reverbs. Again I get that separation in the mix or lack of glue between vox and backing. Like it very much, if I had any advise, I would like to hear a little more dynamics in the vox. Some peaks and valleys. Push and pull. Even if it was just in one spot. But very nicely executed and performed.  

Offline Mr. Mom

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Thanks Eric, and welcome aboard. Good to see you getting your feet wet here.
Part of the reason for both versions of these songs having that "unfinished" sound is that the challenge over at 50/90 is to have 50 songs in 90 days, which is definitely overkill... but the idea is to have a few diamonds in the rough, that hopefully get the attention they need after the contest is over. With me being just a lyricist, the polishing up after the fact part, is out of my hands. Thanks for the comments and giving these songs a listen.
Damn it Jim! I'm a WRITER - not a Doctor!!

Offline napoleonboot

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John, it's a lovely song and lyrics and well performed.

I am not really sure I like the approach to the reverb... I tend to think if the reverb tails/decay on different parts of the mix are very different then it sounds odd, as it sounds like the performers are all in very different places, and for this sort of music it's nice if it sounds like they are all in the same place playing together. Maybe just a taste thing. I get Eric's point on dynamics.

Minor points really, a very enjoyable song, and that's the main thing. Well done.
George can often be found playing stringy things, and singing...


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