THAT´s the reason for being so quite here...! IC!
They all sound cool and decent!
Any resonance so far?
Part of the reason yeah..I still check in though and sneak around though.
So far since the start of Feb we have submitted 20 pieces of music. Takes 4-6 weeks to hear back...5 have been "returned" ( they don't like to call it "rejected" Lol ) and 4 have been " Forwarded " ....that means they are sent on to the Music Supervisor or Music Library Owners Etc. The rest are all Pending at the moment..We just carry on writing while we wait.
Actually those are good numbers from what I have read in their forums, the top people seem to have about 60+ percent of stuff forwarded. Some people take 6 months before getting their music good enough to be forwarded...some never get one at all.
A Forward is no guarantee of anything other than that it has been shortlisted and will be listened to by the right people, but get enough of them and eventually things will happen. It's a bit of a numbers game so we have committed to 10 per month which is manageable between us..I hardly ever watch TV or anything !
A lot of these pieces of music go into libraries that music supervisors go to for putting into reality TV shows and stuff like that, some of them are for Network TV shows and movies as well though.
There's tons of of listings every month for all sorts of music, I'm tending to go for the electronic stuff and my mate is doing the guitar driven stuff.
He's beating me 3 -1 at the moment out of the 4 forwarded tracks ! Although like he said if I hadn't mixed them for him they probably wouldn't have sounded professional enough.
Like I say, BIG learning curve and no money probably for 18-24 months out of any deals struck but the ones who stick at it seem to to pretty well.
« Last Edit: April 03, 2016, 05:04:36 PM by CosmicDolphin »
We never finish a mix... we simply abandon them.
You can't polish a turd, but you can always spray paint it GOLD
Great songs are not written, they are re-witten