Funny enough I just found this the other night and decided to try it out for fun.
Sadly I have to disagree on the "well recorded" comment ... I'm wondering if you guys opened it up in ProTools or you imported the raw audio into a different DAW application.
I imported the raw audio and a lot of that source stuff was absolutely horrible. Like horrible to the point where I would be embarrassed to post it online. The drums were especially bad!! Those two kick drum channels were just horrid, they both sounded a lot like a wet paper bag to me, it took a LOT of work to make one of them sound like a kick drum.
I'm wondering if it was different in the PT project (like he had already done some stuff to them to make them sound more normal or whatever).
Honestly if that was my FOH and main recording guy and I got handed tracks that sounded like that ... I would have fired him on the spot! He was also obviously capturing all of the audio post fader and EQ on the FOH mixer, which is a bad bad bad idea when doing live recordings.