Thanks to everyone involved in helping complete this tune.
Paul Dempsey - lyrics
Todd Viera - drums
Aslan_Bass - bass
Steve Smith - backing vox
Tricia Dovidio - backing vox
Steve McAndrew - backing vox
Andy Gupta - backing vox
Mark Shrider - music, lyrics, guitar, vox, programming, mix
this tune is dedicated to all who have served to fight for, defend and preserve the cause of freedom throughout the world.
it is the duty of all who live under the very freedom their sacrifice has secured to ensure it was not vain.
Freedom Isn't Free
(lyrics: Paul Dempsey & Mark Shrider)
Crossing sacred ground
where past heroes bled
Lifted by the spirits
of Long past dead
We are all here
By their sacrifice
They gave all they had
the steepest price
Freedom isn’t free
nothing's ever free
It’s up to you and me
'cause freedom isn’t free
Oppression is evil
imprisons the mind
It stifles liberty
By design
a strong willed people
Will fight every day
Once freedom’s tasted
It lights the way
From monuments and statues
To spanning walls
We honor the many
That heard the call
Facing a strong wind
We follow their lead
Defending freedom
And we may bleed