Musicians Collaboration Studio

[OPEN SOURCE] Permafrost/N.A.S.PRO. live demo video



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NASPRO (recursive acronym for NASPRO Architecture for Sound PROcessing) is meant to be a cross-platform sound processing software architecture built around the LV2 plugin standard.

The goal of the project is to develop a series of tools to make it easy and convenient to use LV2 for sound processing on any (relevant) platform and for everybody: end users, host developers, plugin developers, distributors and scientists/researchers.

Current status

The current release (0.2.0) offers a set of bridges from other plugin standards (namely LADSPA and DSSI) to LV2 and a compiler for an ad-hoc stream-oriented audio programming language called Permafrost which generates C source code and Turtle/RDF metadata implementing LV2 plugins.

It includes:
  • NASPRO core: a tiny convenience library containing useful code to implement LV2 dynamic manifest plugins and especially bridges from other APIs to LV2;
  • NASPRO bridges bad: a collection of <API>-to-LV2 bridges which work fine, but do not completely support the original APIs;
  • Permafrost: a DSP language designed with physics-based modeling in mind.

The market of sound processing plugins is dominated by proprietary formats with nasty licensing terms, lacking in extensibility and usually tied to a restricted set of platforms; anyway, one of the most promising competitors in this area is LV2, which is a free, open source, extensible, decentralized and platform neutral standard.

Although it's been years since LV2 first came around, it's still far from reaching serious adoption levels even in the free software/open source community.

We think that by developing tools and extensions, as well as helping people willing to implement support for it in their projects, it's possible to make it become a viable option and eventually fill the gap with other plugin formats.

Official website

...of course, volunteers are welcomed !


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