Hi Everyone: (DAVE: you just beat me posting here
Gee! We're getting more replies here than we did when we asked for help in the Project Studio. Kinda ironic don't you think.
This song has been sitting around for quite some time. I was extremely pleased what Bobby did for us (Thanks Bobby). We decided to give this one a final "kick in the butt" and say "enough" is "enough", let's move on to something new and not worry about it, no-one is interested. Thus, here we are in "Finished Collaboration' Land
, not living up to the expectations of a "Finished" collaboration
I think we'll just put this in the "burning heap"
and quietly let it disapear into No-man's land and I shall live forever with the pain of a "failed collaboration"
....Whoa's Me...Pain what is thy destiny. (Tricia and I still like it - I think it's pretty good for two amateurs - that's how we learn).