Musicians Collaboration Studio

Watch The Sun Come Up


Offline Tricia41

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This is the best that 2 non-musician women can do.

We tried to get help. Oh well. It's good enough for me.

no biggie. No one's getting paid.

Offline Studioplayer

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Hey. I think you guys are being too hard on this tune. This is all just for fun. Not every song has to be a huge production. I really like this tune. It's the feeling that counts.  :) were to redo this. Keep the keys and vocals. Redo the drums and add some guitars. Put in a small spot between the vocals for a nice melodic guitar or keyboard solo to break things up. That's about it. Maybe you just took this off the pot before it boiled. There so many songs on the go right now that it's hard to see and get to them all. Some just take more time.

What we need here is more players that are willing to work on other peoples songs and not only their own. We all need to contribute.  :)


Offline Casia - lyricist

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Hi Everyone:  (DAVE:  you just beat me posting here  ;D)

Gee!  We're getting more replies here than we did when we asked for help in the Project Studio.  Kinda ironic don't you think.

This song has been sitting around for quite some time.  I was extremely pleased what Bobby did for us (Thanks Bobby).  We decided to give this one a final "kick in the butt" and say "enough" is "enough", let's move on to something new and not worry about it, no-one is interested.  Thus, here we are in "Finished Collaboration' Land  ;D, not living up to the expectations of a "Finished" collaboration  :o :o.

I think we'll just put this in the "burning heap"  >:D and quietly let it disapear into No-man's land and I shall live forever with the pain of a "failed collaboration"  ;D ;D ;D....Whoa's Me...Pain what is thy destiny.  (Tricia and I still like it - I think it's pretty good for two amateurs - that's how we learn).

« Last Edit: September 27, 2008, 03:06:29 PM by Casia - lyricist »
Casia Productions:
ALBUM:A NOT Ordinary Christmas-2010
ALBUM:idream -2011
ALBUM:Trevor&Roger's 13 Stygian Tales - 2011

World Festival Universong showcase July 2012, Canary Islands, Spain - Victoria Linskaya

Offline Tricia41

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Offline stoman

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No failure at all :o !. Good mix or bad mix, the song is great! If you are happy with it, then we should all be happy with it. :)


Always looking for opportunities to mix your songs. Feel free to ask!
My Introductory Post

Offline CosmicDolphin

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I'll put it up acapella with tons of reverb and use a Vintage Channel Warmer.   ;D  Then we'll really get heck.

Now you're stealing all my production secrets  :P

It's a decent song and you finished it, which makes it a cut above all the unfinished ones in my book.


We never finish a mix... we simply abandon them.
You can't polish a turd, but you can always spray paint it GOLD
Great songs are not written, they are re-witten

Offline cyclone

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great song,
      This was on my add something new every day not finished yet list.
Well Done
A woman is on trial for beating her husband to death with his guitar collection.
The judge says "First offender?"
The woman says "No, first a Gibson, then a fender."


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