Lyrics: John Vaughan
Music/Mix-Master/Production: Dom Mercurio
Vocals: Dom Mercurio
Flute: Daniel J. Moore
Guitar/Bass: Holger Bremer
Sax: Daniel Rosati
Female vocals: Haylay Verrall
(C)John Vaughan Lyrics
Mimmo Mercurio OF THE CHILDREN
Blood on your hands you hide behind your back
Eyes and ears closed to cries of the innocent
Lies and denials but everyone seen the proof
No shame in your heart, you're a stranger to the truth
Look into the eyes of those children
you surely can't have a heart of stone?
There's nobody to wipe away their tears
to hold them, let them know they're not alone
Look into the eyes of those children
Look in to their eyes
War has continued for oh so long now
to some it seems a natural way of life
But nothing ever IS as it appears
what pain there must have been and so many fears
The world watches and just sits on the fence
at the hatred and conflict that doesn't make sense
Carries on unabated day after day, perhaps to the end
Look into the eyes of those children
you surely can't have a heart of stone?
There's nobody to wipe away their tears
to hold them, let them know they're not alone
Look into the eyes of those children
Look in to their eyes.
When I awake tomorrow from my peaceful sleep
Maybe the new day will end all this sorrow
God protect these children- please keep them safe
Look into the eyes of those children
you surely can't have a heart of stone?
There's nobody to wipe away their tears
to hold them, let them know they're not alone
Look into the eyes of those children
Look in to their eyes.
Gli Occhi Dei Bambini
Sangue nelle mani che cerchi di nascondere
Nessuno sente il grido di quei poveri innocenti
Quante bugie, e prove evidenti
Nessun rimorso nel tuo cuore,
non guardi mai alla verità
Guarda gli occhi dei bambini
sicuramente un cuore tu lo avrai
Tanta paura lacrime e nessuno
ad aiutarli piu' con carita',
Guarda gli occhi dei bambini
Guardali negli occhi
Continua la guerra li a lungo
per tanti sembra non finisca mai
Ma nulla sembra piu' si possa fare
che pena che dolore e paura
quanta paura
Il mondo guarda ma niente poi puo fare
Conflitto e quell'odio che senso piu' non fa
giorno dopo giorno nessuna sosta, non si ferma,
non si ferma no
Quando mi sveglio al mattino dal mio sonno tranquillo
Spero il nuovo giorno portera' la pace per tutti loro
Proteggi i bambini mio Dio - Ti prego Proteggili
Guarda gli occhi dei bambini
sicuramente un cuore tu lo avrai
Tanta paura lacrime e nessuno
ad aiutarli piu' con carita',
Guarda gli occhi dei bambini
Guardali negli occhi