meant to be? ©2016 Lyrics John Vaughan, Music Vic Arnold
Honky Tonk Woman plays on the jukebox
Over and over in so many bars.
In how many places, have I sat and watched clocks
and drunken men singing to their air guitars?
My friends all grew richer, but I never changed much
Now I'm reminiscing deep into my past
Women they came but never kept in touch
I'm alone with my cell phone ... such a sad ass
Was it always meant to be
that this was destined to happen to me?
I should have spent more time away from the cheap wine
and much more in good company.
Old songs have ways of reaching for your soul,
sometimes to carry me where the sun shines.
Other times encouraging my tears to freefall
when they sing of a guy who got left behind
We were bankers, soldiers, teachers and poets.
There were some of us who never made it at all.
Aren't there always regrets and those you'll not forget?
And some who just pissed their whole life up a wall.
I have to stop living life in the past,
think about tomorrow but live for today.
Those places where yesterday forever lasts,
get 'em out of my mind, that there I'd lik